AC. One of the Knoles family members once told me that there was a small tombstone that said AC. I immediately thought of Alexander Clarence Alls but his tombstone was in California and his death there is documented. I had thought it was like one of my family members Larry Windle, who buried his first wife and remarried. His second wife chose a new location when it was time to bury Larry. He has two tombstones. One at Sunnylane in Del City, which he is not under and one in Oklahoma City near Wiley Post Airport off of 50th and Meridian. I wondered, could this be the case with Alexander Alls. Then I found a small sand stone, shaped in the form of a heart. It had a number 1 on it. This was where I was told the AC tombstone was. What could this mean? I have discovered through reading the newspaper archives that Alexander Alls lost two babies. One would have been with his wife Lizzie Garrett (Martha Elizabeth Garrett), whom he married in about 1892. Lizzie died on 4 April 1898, shortly after her son Orville was born (Feb 1898), leaving Alexander with a two year old and a new born. Alexander Alls was widowed on the 1900 Census. Alexander Alls did not marry Mary Catherine "Katey" Wilson/Pittman/ Moody when he had a baby named Clifford with her. This child would have been conceived around January of 1899 and was born 26 Sep 1899. Katie then married and gave her son the Moody name. This son writes about it in his biography. Late 1900 the newspaper mentions Mrs. Alls making a canvassing trip but did not list her first name. The second baby, I am not sure who the mother was, due to the child nor the mother not appearing on the 13 June 1900 census and this child died about October of 1901. So it was probably conceived shortly after the census. Could this be another baby born out of wedlock? Did Alex marry again and loose her also? No marriage record for this wife mentioned in the paper has been found. Was it a child of Maggie Ailene Moody? Alex and Maggie did not marry until 3 Nov 1901, after the death of this baby. It seems odd he would marry so soon after the loss of a child. This is another one of the many questions to ponder. In the top photo is a poor image taken from the newspaper, The Peoples Voice Norman, Okla. Vo. 3 No 49 Ed. 1 Saturday, July 6 1895 page 8 talks about little Clarence Alls:
Linden, Okla. Clarence Alls, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Alls fell asleep June 20, 1895, aged two years and some months. Little Clarence was an unusually bright child: and was loved by all who knew him. The parents have the sympathy
of all in their sad bareavement.
"While yet love unspoken lay on his lips like dew,
The snowy bud was broken, in life's sweet spring time new.
No frost of slighted duty, no blight of sin and care.
Had marred this bud of beauty: death plucked it pure and fair."
"Grief fill the hours with weeping:
trust kneels in silent prayer."
Faith whispers"only sleeping" hope bid us "meet him there."
Mrs. M.E. Riley (nee Martha Knoles)
The other son: The Peoples Voice (Norman, Okla.) Vo. 10,
No. 14, Ed. 1 Friday, October 25, 1901
Alex Alls little son is lying at the point of death. All hopes of recovery are given up.
Just a side note. James Ayers Moody and Epenonadus Elvira Pamila "Pam" Moody were brothers. Pam had a daughter Maggie Ailene, whom Alex married but before that, Alex had a child with Mary Catherine "Katey" Wilson/Pittman/Moody that married James Ayers Moody. So Katey and Maggie were Aunt and Niece by marriage. Katey had been married first to Walter E. Pittman, the brother of George W. Pittman. (Who is buried in Knoles Cemetery).
The other items of note in the photo will be addressed later.